Innovation Guangzhou Automobile (IGA) Achieved A Record High Direct Economic Benefit of RMB 1.6 Billion, with Total Benefits of over RMB 10 Billion in 17 Years

2023-01-16 15:51:02




On January 15, the results of the 2022 Innovation Guangzhou Automobile (IGA) event were released at the GAC Center using both "online + offline” channels. The event featured intense competition among 32 outstanding QC teams from GAC Group’s headquarters and 21 enterprises competing for the QC Presentation gold, silver, and bronze awards. Additionally, 20 employee representatives from various companies were honored with the "TOP 20" excellent improvement proposal.

2022 marked the 25th anniversary of the GAC’s establishment and the 17th session of the IGA event. Over the past 17 years, over 690,000 people have participated in the QC event, submitting nearly 5.8 million improvement proposals, and generating over RMB 11.1 billion in direct economic benefits. Among these achievements, the year 2022 achieved a record high of over RMB 1.6 billion in direct economic benefits.


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